
Below, you will find a selection of publications written by our amazing team. For easy searching, we have divided the materials under the following sections:

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Humanities

Cormier, Michael, Park, Sarah, and Beck, Lauren. “Automatic Classification of Woodcuts and Copperplate Engravings.” 17th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2020, Ottawa, ON. pp. 85-92.

Beck, Lauren. “The Persistence of Early-Modern Metadata in Online Environments and the Endurance of Imperial Discourse.” Universitas Humanística 90 (2021).

Early Modern Studies

Beck, Lauren. Firsting in the Early Modern Transatlantic World. Routledge, 2019.

Beck, Lauren. “Unsettling Spanish Atlantic History: Toward a Scholarship Invested in Visual and Material Culture.” Firsting in the Early-Modern Transatlantic World, edited by Lauren Beck, Routledge, 2019, pp. 193-217.

Beck, Lauren. “Firsting: The Architecture of Decolonizing Scholarship on the Early-Modern Transatlantic World.” Firsting in the Early-Modern Transatlantic World, edited Lauren Beck, Routledge, 2019, pp. 1-22.

Beck, Lauren. “Civilizing the Pre-Modern Spanish World through the Gaze of Modernity.” Pléyade, no. 23, 2019, pp. 101-124.

Beck, Lauren. “When the Western Gaze Sees Wonder.” Spaces of Wonder, Wonder of Space: Encountering the Eighteenth Century through Image, Object, and Text, edited by Christina Smylitopoulos, University of Guelph, 2019, pp. 10-17.

Beck, Lauren. Illustrating el Cid, 1498-Today. McGill-Queens University Press, 2019.

Beck, Lauren. “Race and Labour in Sixteenth-Century Seville through the Prism of Accounting Books (Hijuelas) from the Reales Alcázares.” Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 71, no. 4, 2018, pp. 1272–1297.  

Beck, Lauren. “Women’s Power and Material Exchange in Transatlantic Spain, 1550s–1650s.” Journal of Women’s History, vol. 30, no. 1, 2018, pp. 35-55.

Beck, Lauren. “Early-Modern Place Names in Today’s Canada.” Borealia, October 2018,

Beck, Lauren. “Annotation and Books in Early Modern Spanish Painting.” Visualizing the Text: From Manuscript Culture to Caricature, edited by Lauren Beck and Christina Ionescu, University of Delaware Press, 2017, pp. 71-93.

Beck, Lauren. “Visualising the Cid and His Enemies in Print: The Matamoros Effect.” Image and Narrative, vol. 17, no. 1, 2016, pp. 5-14.


Barnett, H. and L. Beck, eds. Disease and Exploration History (Terrae Incognitae). Completed issue due Summer 2024.

Beck, L. ed. 2022-2023. The Social Lives of Maps [3 vols.] (Material Culture Review) vols. 92-94.

Beck, L. 2022. Canada’s Place Names and How to Change Them. Concordia University Press.

Beck, Lauren, et al. Our Names, Our Home: Report on the Town of Sackville’s Street Names and Monuments. April 2022. 56 pp

Beck, Lauren. “La fundación de pueblos españoles e indígenas en el siglo XVI,” [Indigenous and Spanish Townfounding in the Sixteenth Century] Del mundo al mapa y del mapa al mundo: Objetos, escalas e imaginarios del territorio. Memorias del 6º Simposio Iberoamericano de Historia de la Cartografía, edited by Alejandra Vega Palma (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2017), 226-235.

Van Duzer, Chet, and Lauren Beck Canada before Confederation: Maps from the Exhibition. Vernon Press, 2017.

Beck, L., ed. 2016. Women in the History of Cartography, Discovery, and Exploration (Terrae    Incognitae) 48.1. 

Beck, L. and C. Ionescu. 2015. Mapping North America: Early Modern Narratives of Discovery and Exploration in the Davidson Collection. Mount Allison University.

Beck, L. and C. Ionescu, eds. 2015. Small Communities (Journal of New Brunswick Studies) 6.1. 

Race, Culture, and Gender

Augustine, M. and L. Beck. 2024. Mitji: Let’s Eat. Mi'kmaq Recipes from Sikniktuk. Nimbus Press.

Beck, L. 2024. “Spanishness and Race in North American Monumental Architecture,” /Arts/ 13, 1-21.

Beck, L., G. Chacón, and J. Sánchez, eds. 2024. Abiayalan Pluriverses: Bridging Indigenous Studies and Hispanic Studies. Amherst College Press.

Beck, L. 2023. “Beads and Ceremony: The Collision of Pan-American, European, African, and Asian Bead Networks in the Sixteenth-Century Spanish Empire,” Religion 14, 1-19.

Fernández, Ana M. & Walescka Pino Ojeda. “La performance ‘Un violador en tu camino’ de LASTESIS como denuncia al femigenocidio: articulaciones entre los casos chileno, argentino y diáspora latinoamericana en Auckland (Nueva Zelanda),” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 47.3 (Nov. 2022): published online 14 Sept. 2022.

Fernández, Ana M. “Minori'ethage Memories and Deschooling Society in Verónico Cruz. La deuda interna (Argentina, 1988): A Decolonial Tribute to the Qulla Culture of Jujuy,” Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 28.1 (Feb. 2022): 80-95.

Beck, L. 2021. “Resistance, Protest, and Knowledge: Indigenous Appropriation of Medievalism in Ibero and Latin America,” Re-presentación de identidades, resistencia y transformación en el Sur globalizado [Special Issue]. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 46.1, 57-80.

Beck, L. 2021. “Euro-Settler Place Naming Practices for North America through a Gendered and Racialized Lens,” Terrae Incognitae 53.1, 5-25.

Beck, L. and A. Fernández. 2021. “Introduction to Resistance and Transformation in the Globalized South: A Collective Approach to Decolonization,” Re-presentación de identidades, resistencia y transformación en el Sur globalizado [Special Issue]. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 46.1, 1-12.

Beck, L. and A. Fernández, eds. 2021. Re-Presenting Identities, Resistance and Transformation in the Globalized South: A Multidisciplinary Collective Approach to Decolonization (Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos) 46.1, pp. 1-189.

Beck, Lauren. “Pocahontas, Woman of Two Legacies: The True Story.” Historia National Geographic 203 (2020), 1-14.

Beck, Lauren. “16th Century Spanish Castles, Slavery and Accounting: Interview with Lauren Beck.” [Podcast] Accounting Exposed, February 2020.

Fernández, Ana M. “A Flipped Learning Experience on Decoloniality,”  Hispania. Johns Hopkins University Press, 103.2 (June 2020): 161-166.   

Fernández, Ana M. “Una lectura sociocrítica sobre minoriédad y resemantización docente en Shunko de Lautaro Murúa (Argentina, 1960),Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 26.1 (2020): 18-33.  

Fernández, Ana M., ed. Echoing Women’s Voices in Latin American and Canadian Studies: A Sociocritical Perceptive. Ottawa Hispanic Studies, no. 29, 2020.   

Fernández, Ana M., ed. An Open Dialogue on Democracy and Citizenship Empowerment in the Latin American Context: Our Voices. Ottawa Hispanic Studies, no. 28, 2019.  

Beck, Lauren. “When the Western Gaze Sees Wonder.” In Spaces of Wonder, Wonder of Space: Encountering the Eighteenth Century through Image, Object, and Text, ed. C. Smylitopoulos. University of Guelph, 2019, 10-17.

Abanto, Luis (U Ottawa) & Ana M. Fernández, eds. Reflecting on Identities and Cultural Frameworks in a Globalized World. Ottawa Hispanic Studies, no. 27, 2018.  

Beck, Lauren. “Race.” Encyclopedia of The Atlantic World, 1400-1900: Europe, Africa, and the Americas in An Age of Exploration, Trade, and Empires, edited by David Head, ABC-Clio, 2017,pp. 543-546. 

Visual Culture/Image Theory

Beck, L. 2023. “Material Ways of Looking: A Methodological Proposal for Visual and Material Culture Studies,” Material Culture Review 96, 29-46.

Beck, L. and A. Robin, eds. 2021. Latin American Art, Visual and Material Culture in the Long Eighteenth Century (/Arts/) 10.4.

Visualizing the Text: From Manuscript Culture to Caricature, edited by Lauren Beck and Christina Ionescu, University of Delaware Press, 2017.

Beck, L. 2013. Transforming the Enemy in Spanish Culture: The Conquest through the Lens of Visual and Textual Multiplicity. Cambria Press.