Ana M. Fernández holds a PhD in Spanish (University of Ottawa, 2022) and is a post-doctoral research fellow at the CEMVC, and co-founder, with Lauren Beck, of the International Research Community in Inclusion, Interculturality and Pedagogical Perspectives (IRCIIPP). Recipient of La Bourse de la Doyenne (2023-2025) and Bourse spéciale de la Doyenne (2023-2024), Ana is pursuing a PhD in Education at the Université de Montréal (UdeM). Her research focuses on autopoiesis, the enactive approach, and translanguaging. She has completed a Certificat de formation en pédagogie universitaire pour les professeurs (Université d’Ottawa) and a Stage intensif de perfectionnement pour les professeurs de français LE (Université du Québec à Montréal). She has published several articles and volumes in international peer-reviewed journals, among them “Paradoxes of Global and Local Development in the Film Verónico Cruz. La deuda interna: A Hybrid Discussion Group in Spanish for Specific Purposes,” Hispania, 14.3, pp. 415-431 (Fernández, 2021). Re-interpreting Southern Cone Memories, JILAR, 28.1 (Fernández & Sosnowski, 2022), Manifesting Democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 47.3 (Fernández & Rojas Sotelo, 2022), Latin American Women Nurturing Memories, A Contracorriente, 21.2 (Fernández, da Silva & Torres, 2024). Based on her academic experience —as a research assistant, lecturer/chargée de cours, part-time professor—, she supports dialogic and inclusive education to achieve equity for the wellbeing of societies. You can contact Ana at