

Celestina Visual

This database is a multi-university endeavor funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Council. It showcases visual material of the tragicomedia which includes cinema, theater, and literature.

El Diccionario Biográfico electrónico

Search thousands of Spanish historical figures on this bibliographic dictionary funded by the Real Academia de la Historia.


Portal Quijotes

The Madrid National Library has made a wealth of resources pertaining to the Quijote available digitally.


Museo del Prado

The Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid, Spain has an extensive digital edition of their collections.

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Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits médiévaux

This resource has a large collection of Middle Age to 16th century French manuscripts.


The British Museum

The British Museum also hosts a large collection online where you can experience art from miles away.


Death and Gender in Early Modernity

This website, the result of a cross-Canada investigation initiative, gathers artistic representations of death, dead bodies, relics, anatomical specimens and burial instructions to analyze how death altered the category of gender in the early modern period.


Art Resource

This site provides thousands of stock images from around the world.


Biodiversity Heritage Library

The Biodiversity Heritage Library hosts a collection of images, articles, and resources from 1450-2021.

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